Antimicrobial products or agents kill or reduce the spread microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. Antimicrobials are usually added in to a product to make it more effective and keep it fresh. These products will reduce the chances of guests getting sick.
It would be hard to find a day in the news during 2020 when there hasn’t been a mention of topics surrounding germs or viruses. The hospitality industry has been affected and made many changes to their daily operations to help promote sanitation and cleanliness. Many in the industry have even changed the types of linens they use at their properties. A trend that has been rising over the past few months is linens that are antimicrobial. As innkeepers try to take the best care of their guests, many have found that antimicrobial linens are a good way to improve the quality of their properties. This blog will explain what antimicrobial means, the differences between antimicrobial vs antibacterial, the benefits of antimicrobial linens, and different types of antimicrobial products we offer.