The guest is the most important part of any hospitality business. They are what brings you to your job every day and help you make a living. Whether you are an innkeeper, a rental property owner, or a manager, you are directly interacting with and serving your guests daily. This could include making sure the guests’ bedding is properly washed, the necessary room accessories and amenities are in place, and the meals being served are well-prepared. Your ultimate goal is to keep your guests satisfied and make them want to come back. It would also be nice if they were happy enough to recommend your business to their friends and increase your public image in a positive way. This blog will explain why customers give good reviews, how to handle negative customer reviews, and ways your property can get more positive customer reviews.
Tag: care tips for innkeepers
Unique tips and information that can be utilized by innkeepers to provide an exceptional guest experience.
Bathrobe Benefits: Necessity or Luxury
Property managers are always looking for ways that they can add an extra “wow” to their property to help it stand out from the competition. It is a given that guests should arrive for their stay with comfortable bedding, a room with plush and bright white towels, and room accessories like luggage racks and a coffeemaker. Another amenity guests may greatly appreciate is bathrobes. Bathrobes are one of the few personal products that straddle the line between necessity and luxury.
They can provide guests with high levels of comfort and relaxation because of how soft and cozy they are. But bathrobes can have practical implications as well. This blog post will highlight some of the benefits bathrobes can offer your guests.
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Reasons Why Properties Should Replace their Pillows
Can you remember how long you’ve been using your personal pillow for? Has it been two years, four, years, six years, or even longer? People grow very comfortable with their pillows and like to use them for as long as they retain decent quality.
Obviously, circumstances are different in the hospitality industry since people are just staying there for limited periods of time and aren’t becoming attached to them like they would with their own. Hospitality properties also have a lot more beds and will be using a much higher amount on a daily basis. That brings the question of how often hospitality properties should replace these popular linen items. This blog will explain why it is important that properties replace their bnb and hotel pillows, how to know when it’s time to replace them, and how to care for them.
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11 Effective Ways for Getting Blood Out of Sheets
As stains go, blood is one of the worst.
It’s easy to see a blood stain and feel like Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, driven to the brink of madness by that spot that…just…won’t…come…out.
But getting blood stains out of hotel bed sheets doesn’t have to feel like an impossible task. Whether the stain is fresh or has had time to soak in overnight, there are numerous methods for restoring your sheets to pristine condition.
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5 Important Tips to Prepare Your Bed and Breakfast for Holiday Guests
We all know Thanksgiving is a busy travel time, but this year’s Thanksgiving might be the busiest ever. As a result, it could get busy at your bed and breakfast. The federal Transportation Security Administration says it expects to screen nearly 3 million people a day in the stretch between November 16 and November 25. That’s to say nothing of all the people who will travel by car this holiday. It might be a stressful few weeks, but it’s also an ideal time to impress your guests and keep them coming back.
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10 Useful Hotel Amenities for Property Guests
The next time you’re visiting New York, check into the Ty Warner Penthouse at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Guests in this suite can enjoy a 360-degree view of the Manhattan skyline, and sleep in a king-sized bed that features a 22-karat gold bedspread.
The tradeoff to all of this luxury is a high cost. Although, most guests do not need this much luxury to have an enjoyable stay at your property and are just looking to make a great memory with reasonable accommodations.
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5 Effective Ways Hospitality Properties can Clean Mattresses
Mattresses require great care to keep them lasting for a longer period of time. It is important that they be properly cleaned to help retain their high quality and give the guests a better sleeping experience.
Think about all the wear and tear your own mattress goes through, and then multiply that by the number of people sleeping at your establishment on a given week.
Here are some tips on how to clean mattresses, so that you – and your guests – can sleep better at night.
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4 Important Ways to Care for Your Bathrobes
Sometimes you may be getting out of the shower and feel relaxed and refreshed. You could desire to keep that sensation from the warm water and pleasant-smelling shampoo lasting a bit longer. At moments like this, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of slipping into a warm, fluffy bathrobe.
Your guests feel the same way, which is why bathrobes have long been a crucial part of good hospitality service. But like anything in your establishment that provides guests with comfort, robes require proper care. This blog post will look at some of the essentials for proper bathrobe care.
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11 Brilliant Ways to Improve ROI by Personalizing Your Guests’ Experience
It’s nice to be on a first name basis with a business.
While being addressed as “Mr.” or “Ms.” is a sign of respect, it can also feel like you’re being summoned to the principal’s office.
Your hotel guests likely feel the same way. They enjoy personalized service, whether they’re staying in a hotel or talking to their cable company.
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Recycling Hotel Mattresses: Save The Environment, Cut Costs
Hotel mattresses or mattresses used on any bed will not last forever. They need to be replaced on a consistent basis to offer guests a comfortable stay.
But what do hoteliers do with those old mattresses? A lot of them end up at the dump. According to the Mattress Recycling Council, more than 50,000 mattresses are dropped off at landfills every day.
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