Have you recently thought about the future of your property? Do you have a plan for what you expect it to be like in one year, five years, and even ten years from now? With so much change occurring in the hospitality industry, it can be hard to plan for the next few months let alone the next few years. One trend that is developing and staying in the hospitality industry is a focus on sustainability. Essentially, sustainability is working towards goals in the present for the economy, society, and the environment while not sacrificing the needs for future generations. A common example is protecting the environment and natural resources from harm including having clean air and fresh water. This blog will explain how properties use energy, offer ideas on how to become more sustainable, and how becoming more sustainable will give your property a positive image.
Impact on the Environment
We may not always think about it, but hotels and other properties use a lot of energy. Since these properties and businesses are open during the day and night, they are constantly using energy no matter the time of day. The following list highlights some of the ways properties have an effect on the environment. It is important to make sure these appliances and products are being used properly and not causing harm to the environment.
- Energy is needed to run the air conditioning
- Many lights are used throughout the day and night
- Appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, dryers, and televisions use energy
- Sinks, toilets, washing machines, and showers require a lot of water
- Cleaning and maintenance require disinfectants and other chemicals
- Batteries, bulbs, paper, and old electronics create waste
Ways to Improve Sustainability
Reduce Energy Use: A simple way to reduce energy is by making sure items not in use are turned off. This includes shutting off the lights, turning off ceiling fans, and making sure the television is off in rooms that are not being used. Also, properties can try reducing the usage of heating and air conditioning. Turning up the air conditioning and lowering the heating system when rooms are not in use can save energy. Another good recommendation is opening the windows more often so a breeze can help keep the rooms cool, and an extra blanket could be placed on top of the bed to make sure guests are warm.
Limiting Water Use: Water is limited in its availability especially if you are located in a drier area like the Southwestern United States. An overuse of water can cause groundwater to become polluted. A property reducing water use also saves energy which will help save your business money. You could look to add shower heads and toilets to your property that are designed to help reduce the amount of water being used. Toilets that leak are a huge waste of water and can be easily detected using the Leak Alertor 6000. It helps locate toilet leaks, running toilets, faulty fill valves, and toilet overflows. This product is easy to install, and it will save you money in the long run.
Eliminating Disposables: Amenities in mini bottles like shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer that are thrown out after every guest stay create a lot of plastic. Amenities can still work effectively in a dispenser system and have a positive impact on the environment and economy by producing less waste. InnStyle offers the Cali Tarocco Dispensing System and Green Natüra Dispensing System to help promote sustainability.
Composting: Many properties produce a lot of waste from fruits, vegetables, and other types of food. Instead of throwing these leftovers in the trash can, a more natural method would be composting. Once the food has composted, it will become a dark, earthy material which is rich in nutrients and can be used in your garden and for other plants. This a great alternative to throwing the food out and having it go into a landfill.
Future of Sustainability
Sustainability in the hospitality industry is going to continue to grow. As InnStyle has mentioned in previous blogs, millennials are extremely passionate about the environment. They will be looking for ways that businesses are trying to have a positive impact on the environment, so improving sustainability improves your image. Social media posts that feature ways your property is taking steps to help the environment and promote sustainability can tell your story. You can also make a page on your company website that highlights how your property is promoting sustainability.
How InnStyle Can Help
InnStyle has a “green” bedding products section that features products which are organic and environmentally friendly. It includes sheets, duvet covers, blankets, pillows, mattress pads, etc. For example, the EcoPure Mattress Pad is filled with 100% recycled fiber and is antimicrobial. The GR Quilted Blanket, 250 Green Sheets, and GR Natural Pillow are also popular products offered in the green bedding section.
InnStyle is Here for You
Sustainability has a large impact on the hospitality industry. If you are interested in learning about sustainability for your property, InnStyle is here to help. Whether it is for bed linens or amenities, InnStyle is happy to make suggestions that will help with sustainability. If you have any questions, please give InnStyle a call and speak with one of their account managers. They can be reached at 267-354-6020 or 800-877-4667. Their website is https://www.innstyle.com/.