Over the past seven years, the B&B for Vets program has thanked America’s military veterans by offering them free stays at hundreds of inns and beds and breakfasts on Veterans Day.
InnStyle is proud to be a part of this year’s program, contributing products for gift baskets at a few of the participating inns.
The B&B for Vets program began in 2008 when West Virginia innkeeper Kathleen Panek and a few of her colleagues offered free rooms to veterans and their spouses on Veterans Day. According to the organization’s website, more than 160 inns and B&Bs in 31 states will take part in the 2015 installment of the program.
This year, the Association of Independent Hospitality Professionals will coordinate and promote the program, along with the Professional Association of Innkeepers International. InnStyle is a founding member of the AIHP and a charter PAII member.
Every AIHP inn that partakes in the program will automatically be entered to win one of five gift baskets, to which InnStyle gave product to fill, and these will be presented to their guests.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for these veterans to have time away with their significant others and for our innkeeping organizations to give back in a small way to them,” an InnStyle representative said. “Veterans just need to know about it, and these organizations are trying to get the word out!
Veterans and their families can go to bandbsforvets.org to see a complete list of participating inns and B&Bs in the U.S. and Canada.
In addition to participating in B&Bs for Vets, InnStyle has also recently begun offering a 10 percent discount to all U.S. veterans and active duty members of the armed forces.
What are the locations and available dates? I’m interested in booking. Thank you
Eddie Robbins
Hi Eddie,
Here is the link to the B&B for Vets organization. https://bandbsforvets.org/
Thank you for your service!