The next time you’re visiting New York, check into the Ty Warner Penthouse at the Four Seasons Hotel.
Guests in this suite can enjoy a 360-degree view of the Manhattan skyline, and sleep in a king-sized bed that features a 22-karat gold bedspread.
The tradeoff to all of this luxury is a high cost. Although, most guests do not need this much luxury to have an enjoyable stay at your property and are just looking to make a great memory with reasonable accommodations.
However, most guests will value things beyond clean sheets and a comfortable mattress (although those are important too), so it is important that your property offers high quality amenities to help it stand out from the rest of its competitors.
Here are the most popular hotel amenities as rated in a survey by These things may not be as elaborate as what you’d find at the Four Seasons, but they’ll still leave your guests feeling valued.
In the hotel
1. Complimentary breakfast
Even if it’s not room service eggs benedict, your guests would probably enjoy a chance to grab a bite to eat before they leave for a day of sightseeing or business meetings.
2. Restaurants
Having a restaurant in your establishment lets guests know they’ll have access to convenient meals while they’re traveling.
3. Free wi-fi
Even if they’re only stopping by your establishment for a few hours – say, for a convention or a conference – visitors will appreciate internet access.
4. Parking
Anyone who has spent any time in a major – or even not so major – city can tell you how frustrating it can be to find parking. Guests and other visitors will be glad to know your establishment has its own private lot or garage.
5. 24-hour front desk service
Guests want to know that if they have a problem at 3 in the morning, it will get the same level of attention as a problem that surfaces at 3 in the afternoon.
6. Smoke free hotels
As more and more public places go smoke-free, this amenity will seem standard.
7. Swimming pool
Most people don’t have their own swimming pool, so the chance to swim while they travel can feel like a treat.
8. Bar
If you have a bar in your hotel, you have a place for guests to unwind and socialize.
9. Air conditioning
Expect air conditioning to be on the list of hotel amenities as long as there are hotels. Your guests won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep without it.
10. Coffee and tea in the lobby
Just as with breakfast, guests will appreciate a chance to get their caffeine fix as they start their day.
In the guest rooms
The survey also looked at hotel amenities that were more specific to individual rooms. The most popular in-room amenities included:
- Free wi-fi.
Cali Tarocco - Bathroom shower – If possible, give your guests a shower experience that’s a little nicer/more advanced than what they have at home.
- Soaps, shampoo, conditioners, hair rinse, shower gels, body lotions and all the other hotel amenities that make the shower experience more enjoyable.
- Room size.
- TV.
- Air conditioning.
- Coffee/tea.
Non-smoking rooms.
- Premium bedding – Your property doesn’t need to shell out for the gold bedspread mentioned earlier, but your guests will expect nice, clean sheets.
- Daily housekeeping – There’s nothing quite like coming back to your hotel room to find fresh towels and a newly-made bed.
- Mattress type – Guests will appreciate sleeping on a mattress that’s as good as – if not better than – the one they enjoy at home.
InnStyle has Amenities for Your Property
High quality amenities will always be a great way to help your property stand out and improve guest satisfaction. There is such a large amount amenities to choose from which can make the process of selecting which would be best for your property a bit overwhelming. InnStyle can help make this process easier. They have an entire section of their website devoted to just amenities to help narrow down your choices including many great amenity collections. They also have a lot more interesting products offered on their website that could be beneficial to your property. Their account managers would be more than happy to help you decide what hospitality products would be best for your needs. InnStyle can be reached at 267-354-6020 or 800-877-4667. Their website is