Reduce the occurrence and impact that bed bugs can have on your business.
Luggage bags are a common method of transporting bed bugs from one location to another, especially for airline travelers. When an infested luggage is placed on a bed, bed bugs will look to hide under the bed during daylight hours and make their presence felt in the evening darkness.
Consider having luggage racks in your rooms to discourage guests from using beds for unpacking their luggage.
The favorite locations of bed bugs are mattress foundations (box springs) followed by mattresses and then other areas of the room that can provide shelter away from the light. Examples of these are: padded headboards, underneath furniture and behind wall hangings.
Consider fully encasing your mattress foundations (box springs) and your mattresses with a product that is bed bug bite proof and entry proof. This product should also be waterproof since most mattress warranties can be voided if the mattress has stains. An excellent example of a product satisfying these requirements is Bed Care Encasements.
You should also consider spraying a product in your rooms, such as Natural Bed Bug Spray, which is made with natural ingredients.
InnStyle has both of those products available, as well as other products that provide bed bug protection. Please give them a call at 267-354-6020 or 800-877-4667 and speak with one of their account managers.