Mattresses require great care to keep them lasting for a longer period of time. It is important that they be properly cleaned to help retain their high quality and give the guests a better sleeping experience.
Think about all the wear and tear your own mattress goes through, and then multiply that by the number of people sleeping at your establishment on a given week.
Here are some tips on how to clean mattresses, so that you – and your guests – can sleep better at night.
1. Use Your Vacuum
Running a vacuum over the mattress– using the upholstery attachment – is a crucial piece of mattress care. Begin at the top and move down in narrow, overlapping routes, taking care to get the sides of the mattress as well.
2. The Benefits of Baking Soda
Baking soda has a lot of benefits for mattresses. It works as a deodorizer. Sprinkle it onto a mattress and then use a scrub brush to work the baking soda into the fabric and let it sit for 10 minutes.
3. Use Your Vacuum…Again
Once the baking soda enters the mattress fabric, it begins to bond with the moisture and body oils in the material. Running your vacuum over the mattress a second time sucks up all that moisture.
4. Flip Your Mattress Over
Whenever you flip your mattresses – this schedule will depend on the age of each mattress and how frequently they’re used – repeat the first three steps from this list.
Keep in mind that many newer mattresses are not designed to be flipped over. In these cases, rotate the mattress from head to foot every three months to help with a more even distribution of weight.
5. Use a cover
Protect your mattress against stains by using a washable mattress cover. Today’s mattress covers provide an extra level of mattress care, guarding against bacteria, spills and even bed bugs.
Bed bug proof zippered mattress encasements are highly recommended here, as they are waterproof and protect against allergens. InnStyle has also written other blogs on different methods of protecting your property from bed bugs.
Mattress Care: Getting Out Stains
Mattresses can be magnets for various bodily fluids. Here are some ways to get rid of them:
1. Dried blood
Make a paste from ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap and 1 tbsp. salt. Gently spread it onto the stain and let it sit and dry, then scrape away the residue. Use a white rag dipped in hydrogen peroxide to get rid of any remaining stain.
2. Urine
Use 3 tbsp. of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide and a drop of liquid dish soap and dab this solution on the stain.
If that doesn’t work, let the stained area dry, then mix together 3 tbsp. dry laundry detergent (do NOT use anything with bleach) and 1 tbsp. of water to create a dry foam. Spread it on the stain and let it sit for a half hour, then scrape it away with a spoon.
3. Vomit
Make sure the room is well ventilated and use a white rag to dab the stain with unscented household ammonia. Wipe away the stained section with a damp cloth and use some baking soda to get rid of the ammonia. Let the area dry, then vacuum.
InnStyle Offers Mattresses
Mattresses are an important hospitality product for properties. They are also a major investment that should hopefully last for many years and provide great quality to the property and give the guests a wonderful sleeping experience. Because mattresses are such a major investment, it is crucial that your staff members thoroughly review what qualities you are looking for in your next set of mattresses. InnStyle is here to help you with the process. They have a staff of friendly and knowledgeable account managers who would be happy to answer questions and offer their own recommendations. InnStyle can be reached at 267-354-6020 or 800-877-4667. Their website is